The Saving Truth: Doctrine for Laypeople
Works of Kurt E Marquart
Ken Schurb, Editor
Robert Paul, Assistant Editor
Truth, Salvatory and Churchly, Works of Kurt E. Marquart in three volumes. Volume 1 is a laylevel presentation, in nine chapters, of the basics of the Christian faith by a prolific Lutheran pastor and theologian who lived for 14 years in Australia and taught for over 30 years at Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne, Indiana. It is written in an energetic and winsome style typical of the author who taught soberly yet with good humor, holding forth in such a way as to be understood by everyone, making incisive application to contemporary circumstances and events, and above all, constantly riveting on the incarnate Savior and the marks of the church.

Music on this program included: “Flippin’ the Pages” composed by Terry Herald, ASCAP, Copyright 2012, GOH LLC,