The Angel’s Portion: A Clergyman’s Whiskey Narrative
by Christopher Thoma• Download Audio File | Open Player in New Window
Did you know that Darth Vader prefers Lagavulin? Were you aware that Santa Claus keeps a bottle of Caol Ila on the shelf? Have you heard that Scoresby was squeezed from the very veins of the Devil himself? Emerging from the mind of a surprising whisky connoisseur, The Angels’ Portion is a substantial assortment of whisky reviews like none you’ve ever read before. By means of storytelling, and with charming wit and vibrant style, Reverend Christopher I. Thoma shepherds the reader toward a divine insight: If you don’t like whisky, it may only be because you haven’t danced with the right bottle.
Music on this program included: “Flippin’ the Pages” composed by Terry Herald, ASCAP, Copyright 2012, GOH LLC,
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